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지방 하나만

Eight in 10 Say Obesity Slashes Hiring Chances

작성자 The Korea Times 작성일 2009-06-10 조회수 1062
코리아 타임즈는 6월 9일 [Eight in 10 Say Obesity Slashes Hiring Chances(10명중 8명-"비만할 경우 취업 불이익"]이라는 제목으로 365mc비만클리닉의 설문조사 결과와 함께 김정은 원장님의 설명을 보도했습니다.

다음은 뉴스 내용입니다.

You left a strong impression with your resume, and then nailed the phone interview for a new job. The chemistry almost couldn't get any better. But just after a face-to-face meeting with your prospective boss, the situation abruptly changes.

The hiring manager doesn't return your phone calls and later you're rudely told the position has been filled.

What happened?
Of all turn-off reasons, personal image ― namely the weight factor ― is the biggest to blame, say job seekers.

A survey done by a Seoul-based obesity clinic showed Tuesday that more than 83 percent of 450 male and female job seekers feel that being overweight leads to all sorts of socioeconomic disadvantages, from landing a job to getting a promotion.

Kim Jung-eun, the director of 365mc Clinic, said obese people tend to give the perception that they are inactive, unmotivated and lazy, all of which employers don't want to see in their prospective employees.

``Overweight men and women are often dealing with a lot more stress than those who are healthy and fit,'' said Kim, explaining that the emotional strain could ultimately have a negative affect on interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

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